BBX - Airport

K9 & Visual
Bed Bug Inspections

We employ the same technology military and law enforcement agencies use to detect drugs, bombs, fugitives and even cadavers.

  • A dog’s sense of smell is up to 100,000 times more sensitive than a human’s. They can be trained to identify as little as one bed bug or viable egg by their scent.

  • An inspection consists of a visual inspection by an expert Pest Management Professional (PMP) and nationally certified Bed Bug scent detection canine. They work as a team to inspect high risk areas within your home or workspace for bed bugs.

  • Once a thorough inspection has been completed, we will be able to give you instant results. We’ll be able to confirm whether you have bed bugs or not, and recommend a course of action for what is found if you do. If it’s a different insect our team will identify it and give you the results.